Cincinelli s.a.s.

We have created the website of Cincinelli s.a.s., taking care of the design, the planning, the development of graphics and content.

The site offers an overview of the services provided by the company, divided by type. To each of the main services is dedicated an in-depth page containing detailed information and a link to the contact page to obtain information and quotes.

Through an overlay navigation menu it is possible to access all sections of the site, including a section presenting the history and quality of the company, a page dedicated to authorized brands and a card presenting the First Aid service.

A tool has been integrated into the site to locate the municipalities where the assistance service is active: through an interactive map it is possible to identify the areas where the First Aid service is provided and locate the nearest location.

The site layout has been designed to adapt to any resolution, keeping its graphic impact intact and offering a personalized and optimized navigation experience for the most popular smartphones and tablet models.

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